Sole proprietor business structure:
"One person operating a business as an individual. It is the most common form of business organization. Profits are taxed as income to the owner personally. The personal tax rate is usually lower than the corporate tax rate. The owner has complete control of the business, but faces unlimited liability for its debts. There is very little government regulation or reporting required with this business structure."
Pay varies by the hairstylist's experience and the range of services they provide. The number of customers they attract and hold also affects wages. In addition, pay varies by how much customers tip. Some hairstylists and cosmetologists receive a portion of money from the products they sell. In some salons, employees are paid bonuses for bringing in new clients.
Some salons offer benefits for full-time employees. These may include sick leave, paid vacation, and health insurance. However, many hairstylists and cosmetologists are self-employed or work part time. These workers must provide their own insurance.
Location | Pay Period | 25% | Median | 75% |
Hawaii (State) |
Hourly Yearly |
$10.21 $21,230 |
$13.51 $28,100 |
$18.52 $38,530 |
Honolulu |
Hourly Yearly |
$10.93 $22,730 |
$14.50 $30,160 |
$22.04 $45,840 |
United States |
Hourly Yearly |
$8.86 $18,420 |
$10.85 $22,570 |
$14.42 $30,000 |
-- 2012 Career Kokua, Research and Statistics, Department of Labor & Industrial Relations, State of Hawaii