"How to Solder Electronics" by Curiousinventor
YouTube page with transcript for "How to Solder Electronics"
YouTube user coldrestart gives soldering tips.
YouTube page with transcript for " How to Do It: Basic Soldering"
"Oscilloscope Tutorial Part 2 - Basic Usage" by Afrotechmods
Also see Part 3 - Advanced Functions
and Part 1- Choosing an Oscilloscope
YouTube page with transcript for "Oscilloscope Tutorial Part 2 - Basic Usage"
Starsky and Hutch, er -- Lamar and Ron -- show how NOT to work with electricity.
The video ends with helpful electrical safety tips.
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"Electric and Electronic Symbols" is a quick, fun review of the symbols used in diagrams and schematics. By AHProduction1214.
For a more in-depth explanation, see "Basic Schematic Symbols" by Stan Gibilisco.
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