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Electricity and Electronics: Technical Communication

Library and online resources to get started with electricity and electronics

Ebooks About Technical Writing

Ebooks About Report Writing

EBSCOhost EbooksThese ebooks are in HCC Library's EBSCOhost ebook collection.

Ebooks About Doing Presentations

Want Some Help?

Do you need to write a report?
Do you have to prepare an oral presentation?

Help is available! Try these books, ebooks, and Web resources. is a free online tutoring service which offers students assistance with their classes and help with their papers. A tutor will review a draft paper and provide feedback within 12 hours.


Connect to MyUH Portal and type in the search bar.

Technical Writing on the Web

Speeches & Presentations

HCC Writing Center

"Better writers - better papers."

Visit the Writing Center in Building 7, Room 520 (Campus Map) for assistance with writing assignments. The Writing Center also offers workshops on topics such as subject-verb agreement, citations, and more.

To schedule an appointment with a Writing Center coach, click Schedule an appointment, then Tutoring, Tech & Learning Centers and finally HON Writing Center.

For more info call (808) 845-9477.

Books About Technical Writing

Books about technical writing are shelved in call numbers PE 1475 and  T 11.

Citing Your Sources

Give credit where credit is due --
Cite the sources that you used in your research.  This LibGuide will help:
Citing Your Sources: APA, MLA & Chicago Style

Grammar & Technical Writing

Get help with English grammar and college writing assignments with this LibGuide:
Grammar and Technical Writing

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