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Islamic History & Religion: Films

The Bridging Cultures Bookshelf: Muslim Journeys is a collection of books, films, and database resources to familiarize us with Islam and the cultural heritage of Islamic civilizations around the world.

Muslim Journeys Videos

HCC Library received 4 DVDs from the Bridging Cultures: Muslim Journeys grant:

  • Koran By Heart
  • Prince Among Slaves
  • Islamic Art: Mirror of the Invisible World
  • Islamic Art Spots

These can be checked out at the Circulation Counter for 7 days. Get a taste of these films with these short trailers!

Koran By Heart

Prince Among Slaves

Islamic Art: Mirror of the Invisible World

Islamic Art Spots

Films on Demand - Streaming Videos

Films on Demand is a web-based digital video delivery service that allows you to view streaming videos anytime, anywhere.

Try this to browse for videos:

  • From the menu bar, select Subjects
  • Next, select Philosophy & Religion
  • Then, from the list on the left, select World Religions
  • Choose Islam

From off-campus, use the UH Web Login Service - enter your University of Hawaii username and password.

Trailer: KORAN BY HEART [00:57]

If video does not load in player, please click this link.

Trailer: PRINCE AMONG SLAVES [02:38]

"Prince Among Slaves" tells the story life of Abdul Rahman, an African prince who was captured and enslaved in the American South.

If video does not load in player, please use this link.


If video does not load in the player, please use this link.

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