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Microbiology: Images and Films

Use this guide to find credible information on microbiology.

Finding Images and Films

Use Britannica Image Quest to find images for your project.  Citations are provided for all images, but you will need to make edits so that the citation format follows Vancouver Style.  Image Quest provides credible images, so don't worry about "fake" or "doctored" images.

Use Films on Demand to watch films on infectious diseases or specific diseases to learn more about your topic.

The databases will provide you with citations, but not all have the option for Vancouver Style.  Copy one of the available citations and then edit according to Vancouver Style, using the Vancouver Style Guide for assistance.

Image Quest

Swine Flu Image from Image Quest

Find images with citations to include in your project.

Swine flu virus. Photography. Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopædia Britannica, 25 May 2016. Accessed 25 Jan 2018.

Films on Demand - Streaming Videos

Infectious Diseases Video from Films on Demand

Find films or short film segments on a variety of infectious diseases.

You will be prompted to log in with your UH username and password to watch this video.

“Infectious Diseases: More Mobility, Greater Danger.” Films Media Group, 2004, Accessed 25 Jan. 2018.

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